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Yoobee Colleges reaffirms commitment to neurodivergent learners with launch of sensory space

New Zealand’s most comprehensive sensory space for neurodivergent learners is being launched by Yoobee Colleges at its 360 Queen Street campus, which houses learners studying at New Zealand School of Tourism, Cut Above Academy and Elite School of Beauty and Spa. Yoobee Colleges is committed to ensuring all students have barrier-free access to education, which is why, in a New... > Read more
NZ beauty school launches new campus to train Elite standard graduates

New Zealand beauty school, Elite School of Beauty and Spa, has launched a new campus in the heart of the Wellington CBD to train the next generation of industry professionals and beauty entrepreneurs. Elite School of Beauty and Spa, based in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, and now... > Read more
Elite entrepreneur is featured in the Wairarapa Times-Age

In 2003, Shiree Robertson-Kingi trained as a beauty therapist at the Elite School of Beauty and Spa in Whangarei – graduating with a CIBTAC certification in aesthetics treatments and epilation. She is now the founder of Createdskin Studio in Carterton, focusing on holistic skin... > Read more
Wig Wednesday at Elite Campus

Our Elite campuses took part in Wig Wednesday yesterday giving our clients, students and staff an opportunity to donate to Kiwi kids with cancer. Our students and staff enjoy making people feel good about themselves and were delighted to get behind such a meaningful cause! The Elite team... > Read more
Wellington Job Fair attracts beauty elite

1 May 2019 – The first Elite School of Beauty & Spa Jobs Fair was held on April 29 in Wellington. With nearly 50 years’ experience training New Zealand’s leading makeup artists, cosmetic consultants, specialised beauty therapists, salon managers and more, recruiters... > Read more
Elite students attend Ultraceuticals workshop in Australia

Each year students from the Elite School of Beauty & Spa have the opportunity to expand their horizons, by obtaining further work experience and knowledge from leading industry partners to enhance their career options. One partner Ultraceuticals offers a yearly, all-expenses paid trip to... > Read more
Elite students help put a smile on children's faces for Christmas

As the biggest event of its kind in New Zealand, the SKY TV Special Children’s Christmas Parties in association with NZME aim to put a smile on the faces of special needs children. This year Elite students were part of the fun with face painting and manicure tables proving very... > Read more